The mean age of study population was 56 years (range 33-79). Mean value of IPPS was 17,5 (range 0-35 ). Patients for a further sub analysis were divided by the IPSS into mild symptoms n=65 (47,8%), moderate 45 (33,6%) and severe 25(18,7%). The mean maximum flow rate was 18,04(range 4-59 ), mean medium flow rate was 11,3 (range 1,7-37,5), and average flow rate 8,66 (range 1,2-29,9). The Pearson´s correlation between the data obtained in the whole population was not statistically significant; the bilateral correlation obtained for Qmax (figure 1) , Q medium and Q average vs IPSS was Rho - ,241, -,361 and -,369 respectively. The same statistic results were obtained were each subgroup of IPSS severity were correlated with Uroflowmetry parameters. But in the sub analysis, confronting only the population with a Qmax less than 10ml/seg, the bilateral correlation obtained for Q max, Q medium and Q average vs IPSS was Rho -,527 (figure 2), -563, and -,535, that could be consider statistically moderated to strong correlation, for this sample. The total value of IPSS has a strong correlation with the value of the quality of life of the same IPSS: ,740 and ,587 in both IPSS vs Qmax for the whole sample and the IPSS vs the Qmax less than 10ml/seg subanalysis.