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Symposia and Blended Learning

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Symposia and Blended Learning

Satellite Symposia Manual

Plenary or Parallel Satellite Symposium 90/60 minutes –Non-CME (industry session)

Opportunity to organise an Official Satellite Symposium in a Plenary or Parallel Hall, up to 90 minutes (Programme subject to the approval of the Meeting Scientific Committee)

  • Includes: hall rental, standard audio/visual equipment, display table
  • Permission to use the phrase: “Official Satellite Symposium of the International Continence Society, 48th Annual Meeting”
  • Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section of the programme guide, on the event website, mobile application and with signage during the event.

For Satellite Symposia/Workshop organisers, the following conditions apply:
• Special time slots will be designated and will be allocated on a “first-come, first-served” basis.
• The supporting company for the Satellite Symposia/Workshop may select speakers and topics.
• The company, in addition to the supporter fee, must cover all speakers’ expenses, including registration fees, accommodation and travel expenses. This also applies in the case where the speakers have already been invited by the Meeting.
• Satellite Symposia/Workshop Programmes are subject to approval by the scientific committee of the Meeting. In case where the scientific committee will disapprove the Satellite Symposia/Workshop Programme, each party will be entitled to cancel the Satellite Symposia booking without paying any penalty for the cancellation or for any damages caused by the cancellation to the other party. Accordingly, upon such cancellation, neither of the parties will have any claims, demands or suits towards the other.
• Satellite Symposia are offered as non-accredited, promotional educational opportunities and will be clearly indicated in the Programme as: “Non-CME Satellite symposium supported by...”

Blended Learning + Parallel or Plenary Symposium (incl. webcast)

Opportunity to organise an Official Satellite Symposium in a Plenary Hall, up to 90 minutes (Programme subject to the approval of the Meeting Scientific Committee) combined with online learning activities (pre- and post-test), to achieve optimal learning outcomes. A combination of subject-matter expertise, and instructional design is required to develop and implement an effective blend of both online and traditional educational delivery methods. To get the most out of a Satellite Symposium and/or Scientific Session at the ICS Meeting, blended-learning programmes are an excellent opportunity to inform and engage with delegates before, during and after the Meeting. Next to the advantages for companies - scalability, innovation, customisation - blended learning activities are also proven to be a popular choice for learners by allowing them to take advantage of the flexible and convenient access and pace that an online course allow; thereby enhancing the face-to face experience with alternative methods for learner preparation and evaluation.

A blended learning programme of ICS includes:

  • Online pre-/ post-test and/or possible video’s (if available) linked to a Satellite Symposium, Outcomes Measurement

Non-CME Educational Session
Opportunity to support a session on one of the Meeting days. An excellent opportunity to run an educational workshop/session with the delegates in a small working environment. Create a hands on, interactive session for the delegates which will be of great interest to them; the meeting workshops are attended by more than 2⁄3 of the total delegates who attend the ICS Annual Meetings, proving their thirst for knowledge. Educational sessions in the format of interactive workshops are incredibly popular and often book out. Scientific content/speakers and time slots are subject to the approval by the ICS.

  • Includes: hall rental, standard audio/visual equipment, display table
  • Permission to use the phrase: “Official Satellite Symposium of the International Continence Society, 48th Annual Meeting”
  • Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section of the programme guide, on the event website, mobile application and with signage during the event

Please note that it is the Exhibitors' and/or Supporters' responsibility to comply with the local authority's regulations, including, without limitation, IFPMA, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations Code of Practice on the promotion of medicines (, as well as FDA restrictions on the promotion of investigational and preapproved drugs and devices and the FDA prohibition on promoting approved drugs and devices for unapproved uses. Any product not FDA-approved for a particular use or not commercially available in the U.S. may be exhibited only if accompanied by easily visible signs indicating the status of the product.

Failure to comply with these regulations may not be used as a ground to declare the contract void. Failure to comply with the rules and regulations will not expose the Organiser to any suits, demands by the Exhibitor/Supporter or any other third party.

28/01/2025 20:28:49  14664
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