Technique to implant the new artificial urinary sphincter VICTO+

Pottek T S1, Huebner W A2

Research Type


Abstract Category

Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) / Voiding Dysfunction

Abstract 90
Open Discussion ePosters
Scientific Open Discussion Session 7
Wednesday 29th August 2018
12:20 - 12:25 (ePoster Station 3)
Exhibition Hall
Incontinence Male New Devices Stress Urinary Incontinence Surgery
1. Vivantes Klinikum Am Urban, 2. Klinikum Korneuburg

Tobias S Pottek




Hypothesis / aims of study
The new artificial urinary sphincter VICTO is a preconnected device to treat male post-prostatectomy incontinence which has a urethral cuff, a scrotal pump, a pressure regulating balloon an in case of VICTO+ a second stress relief balloon. The system is delivered completely connected and has to be evacuated and filled with saline solution in the OR. 
It was not clear, how to implant the whloe system being preconnected between the abdominal and the perineal access.
Study design, materials and methods
We implanted the system in 28 consecutive cases in the time between 01/2017 and 01/2018. 
The urethra is mobilised via perineal access. After complete surrounding the size is measured and an appropriate implant choosen. The system is filled with saline solution and the last air bubble is evacuated.
A second incision is performed in projection of McBurney´s point and a subcutaneous tunnel to the perineal incision is carved. This tunnel is penetrated from perineal with a plastic tube for endoscopic cameras armed with a long dressing forceps. Into this tunnel the cuff is placed from above and then placed around urethra at the appropriated place.
Balloons are places into the abdominal space, the pump into the scrotum.
In the postoperative phase we did not see any side effects or unexpected events.
There had been no hematoma, afterbleedings, arrosions or infections in the follow-up time between 2 to 11 months.
Interpretation of results
Long time results have to be expected.
Concluding message
Implantation of VICTO+ is a safe and secure procedure to treat post-prostatectomy incontinence.
Funding None Clinical Trial Yes Public Registry No RCT No Subjects Human Ethics not Req'd It is a retrospective collection of documented data Helsinki Yes Informed Consent Yes
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