Live and living with incontinence: under the eyes of experience

Piccini A1, Vigatto V1, Lucio A2, Naranjo-Ortiz C3, Vera C4, Voelkl J5, Salvador M6, Lima R6, Peres V7, Riccetto C8, Botelho S1

Research Type


Abstract Category

Quality of Life / Patient and Caregiver Experiences

Abstract 671
Non Discussion Videos
Scientific Non Discussion Video Session 35
Quality of Life (QoL) Rehabilitation Incontinence Conservative Treatment Physiotherapy
1. Federal University of Alfenas MG/Brazil, 2. EBSERH-HU Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul MS/Brazil, 3. Faculty of Health Science Camilo Jose Cela University - Madrid/Espanha, 4. Universidad Favaloro y Universidad I Salud - Buenos Aires/Argentina, 5. Hospital Universitario Fundacion Santa Fe de Bogota - Colombia, 6. Mater Dei Hospital - MG/Brazil, 7. Colegio de Terapeutas - Costa Rica, 8. State University of Campinas - SP/Brazil


Incontinence, being it urinary or fecal, abruptly affects the quality of life of people living with such complaints and their relatives. According to the 6th International Consultation on Incontinence (ICI, 2017) [1], it is estimated that by 2018 46% of the world population may present some type of STUI, 11% with overactive bladder symptoms, 8% may present with urge incontinence and an increase of 18% in stress urinary incontinence when compared to 2008. Taboo and isolation do not allow people to talk openly about their symptoms. With this, most people with UI do not seek help. Embarrassment can be an important reason for this.Then, it becomes important the integral approach of professionals in health care [2]. Our proposal was to discuss the impact of incontinence on the perception of people's health and formulate strategies that may favor the quality of life of the person living with incontinence.
Based on real experiences, the proposal brings together 7 health services from Latin America, counting on professionals who live with incontinence and with patients who share their experience of how they live and live with incontinence. Different experiences were carried out contextualizing female and male urinary and fecal incontinence in child and in people with special needs, totaling 15 experiences. Average of 27 professionals participated in the discussion to support this proposal during an open forum about living and living with incontinence. Study registered in the Ethics Committee, with formal consent of the participants for dissemination of data and image.
It was observed, on the professional side, (1) the need to implement the work team so that the attention to the person with incontinence is realized in an integral way; (2) the need to insert "health education", with guidelines that facilitate a full understanding of the relationship between "dysfunction" and its reflexes in the deficiencies, facilitators and limiters that may influence health perception, which could make the patient aware of the prevention and treatment means by introducing them into their routine. Patients' reports and histories were observed: (1) the need to value clinical complaint, emotional impact and quality of life, factors that overlap with clinical diagnosis; (2) the need to create strategies that facilitate their family life and their social integration.
The reports converged on the emotional impact and impairment of the quality of life of these people, demonstrating the need to value the clinical complaint and formulate strategies that may favor the quality of life of the person who lives with the incontinence.
The health perception of people living with incontinence tends to be more influenced by their emotional aspects and their quality of life. Strategies are needed to contribute to improving the quality of life and facilitating social reintegration.
  1. Abrams P; Cardozo L; Wagg A; Wein A. Incontinence. 6th International Consultation on Incontinence, Tokyo, September 2016. International Continence Society / International Consultation on Urological Diseases. 6th edition. 2017.
  2. International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement. Disponible in: < Acessed: March-30, 2018.
Funding FAPEMIG APQ 02199-15 Clinical Trial No Subjects Human Ethics Committee Federal University of Alfenas Helsinki Yes Informed Consent Yes
21/09/2024 12:02:58