Robotic sacrohystorpexy in a pig model

Gülpinar Ö1, Basataç C2, Simsir A3, Argun B4, Akpinar H2, Demirkesen O5

Research Type


Abstract Category

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Abstract 670
Non Discussion Videos
Scientific Non Discussion Video Session 35
Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery Animal Study
1. University of Ankara,Department of Urology,Ankara Turkey, 2. University of Istanbul Bilim,Department of Urology,Istanbul Turkey, 3. University of Ege,Department of Urology,Izmir Turkey, 4. University of Acibadem,Department of Urology,Istanbul Turkey, 5. Forte Urology Center,Istanbul Turkey


In this video we assessed  the feasibility of robotic sacrohysteropexy in a pig model and tried to find out if this could be an adequate training model for this technique
Robotic sacrohysteropexy is performed to a 1 year old female white yorkshire pig with da Vinci Xi surgery system. Under general anesthesia the pig  is placed in the dorsal lithotomy position and pneumoperitoneum is obtained. A 8 mm camera port is placed periumbilically followed by three 8 mm robotic ports and one assistant port. After the ports are placed, pig is placed in steep Trendelenburg position and the robot is docked . Compare to humans pigs have very long tuba uterinas, to facilitate the dissections two tuba uterina is suspended  with  sutures inserted from the abdominal skin. Following the promontorium and rectovaginal dissection Y shaped Polypropylene
 mesh is inserted and posterior short leg of mesh is sutured to the posterior vagina. Two legs of the anterior mesh are taken to the anterior of the uterus  through the  windows created in the broad ligaments bilateraly.Vesicovaginal dissection is performed and two legs of the anterior mesh are sutured to anterior vaginal wall. Finally  long arm of the mesh is sutured to the sacral promontory. Peritoneum over the mesh  is closed and mesh is retroperitonelized.
Steps of human  robotic sacrohysteropexy is performed succesfully in a pig model
With similar anatomy, pig model can be an adequate training model for robotic sacrohysteropexy
Funding None Clinical Trial No Subjects Animal Species Pig
23/02/2025 13:11:55