Sender Herschorn ICS Chair
Carlos Levi D'Ancona Local Chair
#1 In-vivo imaging of the neuronal network of the lower urinary tract using DTI-fibre tracking – a pilot study Best Non-Clinical Abstract
Presenter: Jens Wöllner
Wöllner J1, Zweers P2, Krebs J3, Berger M2, Pannek J11. Swiss Paraplegic Center, Neuro-Urology, 2. Swiss Paraplegic Center, Radiology, 3. Swiss Paraplegic Center, Clinical Trial Unit Anatomy, Imaging, Spinal Cord Injury, Prospective Study
#2 Communication between the lower urinary tract and the central nervous system: Functional mapping of the periaqueductal gray matter
Presenter: Celine Meriaux
Meriaux C1, Jahanshahi A2, Hohnen R1, Temel Y3, van Koeveringe G11. Department of Urology, Maastricht university medical center, the Netherlands, 2. Department of Translational Neuroscience, Maastricht University Medical Center, The Netherlands, 3. Department of Neurosurgery, Maastricht University Medical Center, The Netherlands Neuromodulation, Sensory Dysfunction, Physiology, Anatomy, Basic Science
#3 Investigation to Restore Innervation of the Lower Urinary Tract of Spinal Cord Injured Patients: A European Single-Center Retrospective Study with Long-term Follow-up
Presenter: Karl-Dietrich Sievert
Sievert K1, Amend B1, Roser F1, Badke A1, Baron A1, Kaminsky J1, Toomey P1, Bedke J1, Kruck S1, Kaps H1, Stenzl A1, Tatabiga M11. University of Tuebingen Detrusor Overactivity, Incontinence, Spinal Cord Injury
#4 Long-term results demonstrate efficacy of early bilateral sacral neuromodulation for the prevention of nDO after SCI
Amend B1, Badke A1, Kaps H1, Stenzl A1, Sievert K11. University of Tuebingen Detrusor Overactivity, Incontinence, Rehabilitation
#5 Investigation of an acute role for non-neuronal cells in pelvic pain and bladder dysfunction in a novel mouse model of experimental autoimmune cystitis (EAC)
Presenter: Ann Hanna-Mitchell
Bicer F1, Huang W1, Daneshgari F1, Hanna-Mitchell A11. Urology Institute, University Hospital Case Medical Center, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH, USA. Animal Study, Painful Bladder Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis (IC), Pathophysiology
#6 Quality of Life Mathematical modeling comparing Sacral Neuromodulation vs. Botox A in the treatment of Overactive Bladder Syndrome in Colombia
Presenter: Juan Castaño
Castaño J1, Lopera A2, Orozco J3, Valencia J31. Hospital Pablo Tobon Uribe, 2. Universidad CES, 3. Medtronic Latam Overactive Bladder, Mathematical or statistical modelling, Neuromodulation, Incontinence, Quality of Life (QoL)