Release of the central tendon dramatically improves the continence rate for tension readjustable urethral sling procedure (Remeex System®) for male stress urinary incontinence

Kim J H1, Seo J T2, Kim J C3, Kim M J1, Kim M J1, Rha K H1, Shin T Y1, Hong S J1, Mah S Y1, Shin S H1

Abstract Category

Incontinence (Male)

Abstract 664
Read By Title
Scientific Non Discussion Abstract Session 32
1. Dept. of Urology, Yonsei Univeristy College of Medicine, Urological Sci Int, 2. Dept of Urology, Kwondong Univ. College of Medicine, 3. Dept of Urology, Catholic University College of Medicine


21/02/2025 06:42:33