Patient-reported prolapse outcomes related to childbirth: association between prolapse symptoms, mode of delivery history and objective prolapse staging using POP-Q system.

Glazener C1, Elders A1, Lancashire R2, Herbison P3, MacArthur C2, Hagen S4, Richardson K5, McDonald A1, McPherson G1, Dean N6, Toozs-Hobson P7, Wilson D3

Abstract Category

Epidemiology & Outcomes Research

Abstract 270
Epidemiology and Outcomes Research II
Scientific Podium Poster Session 26
Friday 2nd September 2011
15:50 - 15:55
Hall P2
1. University of Aberdeen, 2. University of Birmingham, 3. University of Otago, 4. Glasgow Caledonian University, 5. Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, 6. University of York, 7. Birmingham Women's Hospital


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