The Effect of Postoperative Physical Activity on the Outcomes of Transobturator Tape Procedure

Shin D G1, Yun C J1, Park C S1, Bang S I1, Lee J T2, Lee K M3, Park B K4, Lee J Z1

Abstract Category

Surgery for Stress Incontinence

Abstract 226
Female Stress Urinary Incontinence Surgery
Scientific Podium Poster Session 24
Friday 27th August 2010
14:20 - 14:25
Room 717
1. Dept. of Urology, College of Medicine, Pusan National University, 2. Dept. of Urology, Busan St. Mary's Hospital, 3. Dept. of Urology, Pusan Medical Center, 4. Dept. of Urology, Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital

Dong Gil Shin



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