Comparison of the effects of netupitant and tolterodine on overactive bladder induced by intravesical acetic acid infusion in anesthetized female guinea-pigs.

Palea S1, Guilloteau V1, Guerard M1, Guardia Llorens M1, Cantoreggi S2, Lovati E2, Pietra C2, Lluel P1

Abstract Category

Detrusor Overactivity

Abstract 129
Clinical and Basic Neurourology
Scientific Podium Poster Session 14
Thursday 26th August 2010
12:20 - 12:25
Room 714
1. UROsphere, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 35 Chemin des Maraîchers, 31062 Toulouse Cedex 09, France, 2. Helsinn SA, Research & Development, Lugano, Switzerland

Stefano Palea



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