Comparative study between oral oxybutynin and intradetrusor injections of botulinum toxin type A (Botox®) in patients with bladder dysfunction following traumatic spinal cord injury: urodynamic response and effect on quality of life.

Ferreira R1, D´Ancona C2, Rassi M3

Abstract Category

Neurourology: Clinical

Abstract 127
Clinical and Basic Neurourology
Scientific Podium Poster Session 14
Thursday 26th August 2010
12:10 - 12:15
Room 714
1. Department of Urology, School of Medicine, State University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas - Sao Paulo, Brazil and Rehabilitation Center Dr. Henrique Santillo - CRER, Goiania, Goias,Brazil, 2. Department of Urology, School of Medicine, State University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas - Sao Paulo, Brazil, 3. Rehabilitation Center Dr. Henrique Santillo - CRER, Goiania, Goias,Brazil


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