Surgery for concomitant Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Urinary Stress Incontinence.A multicenter prospective randomized trial to compare the Results of an Incontinence Procedure performed at the time of Prolapse Repair or 3 months after

Borstad E1, Abdelnoor M1, Mogimi K2, Sandved M3, Majida M4, Western K5, Rokkones E6, Paulsen A G7, Staff A C8, Kulseng-Hanssen S9

Abstract Category

Urogenital Prolapse

Best Clinical Presentation
Abstract 120
Stress Incontinence Surgery (2)
Scientific Podium Poster Session 15
Friday 24th October 2008
13:37 - 13:45
Hall A
1. Ulleval University Hospital, 2. St. Olavs Hospital, 3. Bærum Central Hospital, 4. Akershus University Hospital, 5. Oestfold Central hospital, 6. The National Hospital of Norway, 7. Haukeland University Hospital, 8. Ulleval University Hospital, 9. Bærum Central Hospital

Ellen Borstad



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