The health-related quality of life of patients with a neurogenic overactive bladder treated with Tolterodine ER: a real-life study

De Ridder D1, Ackaert K2, Dewilde L3, Everaert K4, Keppenne V5, Van Erps P6, Van Vliet P7, Vanderdonck F8, Van Campenhout H9

Abstract Category

Epidemiology & Outcomes Research

Abstract 337
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Scientific Non Discussion Abstract Session 19
1. University Hospitals KULeuven, 2. St Elisabeth Hospital, Turnhout, 3. Stuivenberg Hospital, Antwerpen, 4. UZ, Gent, 5. CHU de Liège, 6. AZ Middelheim, Antwerpen, 7. AZ, St Elisabeth, Antwerpen, 8. Medical Department, Pfizer Belgium, 9. Medical Department, Pfizer Belgium


25/09/2024 17:20:51