Intermittent catheterisation with hydrophilic-coated catheters (Speedicath) reduces the risk of urinary tract infection: a prospective randomised parallel comparative trial

De Ridder D1, Everaert K2, García Fernández L3, Forner Valero J V4, Borau Durán A5, Jauregui Abrisqueta L6, Van Dromme S7, Rodriguez Sotillo J8 1. Urology- University Hospitals KU Leuven, 2. Urology- Ghent University- Belgium, 3. SCI Unit, Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona, Spain, 4. Hospital La Fé, Valencia, Spain, 5. Fundacio Guttman, Barcelona, Spain, 6. SCI unit, Hospital de Cruces, Cruces-Baracaldo, Spain, 7. CTR, Brussels, Belgium, 8. SCI unit, Hosp. J. Canalejo MAritimo de Oza, La Coruna, Spain

Abstract Category

Rehabilitation & Conservative Treatments

Abstract 334
Non Discussion Posters
Scientific Non Discussion Poster Session 17


26/09/2024 22:08:57