Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Quality of Life in Italian women: a one-year follow-up study

Tubaro A1, Prezioso D2, Zattoni F3, Pesce F4, Artibani W5, Scarpa R6, The FLOW Study Group I7 1. S. Andrea Hospital, Rome, Italy, 2. Federico II University, Naples, Italy, 3. S. Maria della Misericordia Hospital, Udine, Italy, 4. Policlinico GB Rossi, Verona, Italy, 5. University of Padua, Padua, Italy, 6. San Luigi Gonzaga Hospital, Turin, Italy, 7. Italy

Abstract Category

LUTS in Women

Abstract 216
Non Discussion Posters
Scientific Non Discussion Poster Session 17


26/09/2024 22:09:45