Distribution of innervation zones of the external anal sphincter: effects of gender in healthy subjects

Hinninghofen H1, Bottin A2, Franz H3, Azpiroz F4, Merletti R 2, Enck P5 1. Clinic for General Surgery, Neurogastroenterology, 2. LISiN Bioengineering Center, Dept. of Electronics, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, ITALY., 3. Department for Gynaecology, Vivantes-Hospitals, Berlin, 4. Digestive System Research Unit, University Hospital Vall d’ Hebron, Barcelona, 5. Center for Medical Research, University Hospitals Tuebingen, Germany

Abstract Category

Pelvic Floor

Abstract 547
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Scientific Non Discussion Abstract Session 21


26/09/2024 22:24:34