Voided volumes and urinary output of water and solutes, over a 72-hour period, in 62 normal school-age children

Van Hoeck K1, Bael A M1, Lax-Gross H2, Hirche H2, Vander Linden A 1, van Gool J D3 1. Pediatric Nephrology, University Hospital Antwerp, Belgium, 2. Institute for Medical Informatics, Essen University, Germany, 3. Urology, University Hospital Antwerp, Belgium

Abstract Category


Abstract 43
Paediatrics and LUTS:Chaired by David Bloom and Kelm Hjalmas - Richard Millard and Kumiko Kato
Scientific Podium Poster Session 5
Tuesday 7th October 2003
14:00 - 14:07


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