How long remains jelly instilled into the urethra there – can Chlorhexidin as additiv be harmful to patients on intermittent (self-)catheterisation?

Madersbacher H. 1, Clemens D. 2, Majoros A. 3, Gabriel M. 2, Kiss G. 4, Daha L. 4 1. Neuro-Urology Unit, 2. Department for Nuclear Medicine Innsbruck, 3. Department for Urology Budapest, 4. Neuro-Urology Unit Innsbruck

Abstract Category

Neurourology: Clinical

Abstract 110
Neuropathy:Helmut Madersbacher (Jerzy Gajewski)
Scientific Podium Session 15
Friday 30th August 2002
08:45 - 09:00


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