John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

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Scientific Chair

3 - 5 September 1981

Lund, Sweden





ICS 1981

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ICS 1981

Convenor: Torsten Sundin.
Local President: Axel Ingelman-Sundberg

The meeting was held at the University Hospital. Eric Glen noted in the 1982 Newsletter: “Lund was an eminently suitable conference venue with the quiet atmosphere of the ancient university town beginning to stir as the new academic year approached. The justifiable pride of our hosts was evident and we all appreciated the historical and geographical lessons so delightfully presented by the mayor and by Prof Ingelman-Sundberg, Honorary Chairman of the meeting.

The Welcome reception was held at Konsthallen Art and Exhibition Hall, hosted by the City of Lund.

Annual Dinner was held at the Akademiska Foreningen, Main Hall for the Students Building.

The Gala Dinner was at the Svandholm Castle

Torsten Sundin, was a highly successful, efficient and genial host for the 11th ICS meeting in Lund in 1981. He encouraged nurse participation in the meeting, with striking success subsequently built on in the following meetings. The visit to Svandholm Castle for dinner was a highlight of the social programme. The profusion of typical local food was much appreciated during the breaks from the scientific programme.

Torsten had an interest in neurophysiology and studied the influence of de-afferentation on bladder function, and related hypersensitivity to neural transmitters following denervation. He went on to experiment with neural transplants for patients with cord injuries or spinal dysraphism. He spent some of the later years of his professional career in Dubai.

Axel Ingelman-Sundberg was Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Karolinska Institute, Sabbatsberg Hospital (Stockholm) and amongst his well known protégés were Ulf Ulmsten and Mogens Asmussen. He had many honours including an Honorary Fellowship in Chile, Peru and Brazil and Membership of the South African Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (1968) and Honorary Fellowship of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (1970).

In 1975 at one of the triennial meetings of FIGO (Federation Internationale Gynaecology Obstetrics) in Mexico, he convened a meeting of interested parties to found the International Urogynaecological Association.

He wrote and co-authored many books including the first edition of A Child Is Born. He also wrote a chapter for the first edition of Surgery Female Incontinence, which Stuart Stanton edited with Emil Tanagho in 1980, on bladder denervation which was one of Axel's claims to fame and for a while was a standard operation for urge incontinence! Stuart wrote: “He was a delightful man without any airs and graces who was helpful and friendly and married to Mirjam Furuhjelm, a very entertaining lady endocrinologist.”

He was active in organising the ICS meeting in Lund in 1981, with Torsten Sundin. He died in 2010 at the age of 99.

21/03/2025 01:05:29  1808
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